Sixty Sultaniyya

Neglect of Dawa and Jihad is the cause of humiliation

Hadith 60, If people withhold (hoard) dinars and dirham and trade according to al-eena (a type of trade which is similar to riba) and they follow the tails of the cows and leave the Jihad in the Path of Allah, Allah places upon them humiliation which will not be raised from them until they return to their deen (Ahmed)


A: The phrase to “follow the tails of cows” indicates the increase in the agriculture, and the narration is talking about the seeking wealth or in other words to become engrossed in increase of material things of this world.

B: Jihad is to carry the call of Islam to the rest of the world, in order to make the Word of Allah (SWT) most High. To leave the call to Islam, and neglect the Jihad, means a weakening of the Aqeedah in the Ummah since the role of this Ummah on the Earth is to call to the deen of Allah (SWT) and establish it among the people. And so to leave the Jihad is to leave a fundamental reason for our Ummah, and to dilute our Aqeedah which is the source of our strength since it is the basis for our actions, and with this weakening comes the humiliation which will not be raised until the Ummah returns to the deen - which is to return to its implementation, and to the calling of the rest of the World to come under the banner of la ilaha illa Allah.

C: "al-eena" - is to agree to sell something at a particular price and to buy it back at an agreed time for a fixed price. In other words it is similar to an interest based transaction but with a nominal good involved.

D: There can be no victory, and no 'izza for the Muslims except through the return to Islam, and not simply by the increase in economic development and so on since this narration explained that all the other solutions and proposals being presented cannot raise the humiliation place upon them by Allah (SWT).

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