No obedience to a leader in sin
Hadith 43, "The best of your leaders are those whom you love and who love you, who pray for you and you pray for them. The worst of your leaders are those whom you hate and who hate you, and you send curses on them and they send curses on you."
He was asked, "“O Messenger of Allah (SWT) should we not fight them by the sword?" He said, "Not as long as they are establishing prayer amongst you. And if you see from those in authority over you something that you hate then hate his action and do not remove your hand from obedience" (Muslim)
Hadith 44, Listen and Obey in difficulty and ease and in what you dislike and selfishness over you and if your wealth is eaten and your backs are beaten, except in a clear sin against Allah (Ibn Hibban)
A: These and similar narrations establish that the Ummah is duty bound to obey the leader, even if he is harsh and oppressive towards them, as long as the Islamic rule is maintained.
B: According to Imam ibn Hajr, there is a consensus of the scholars that if the ruler displays clear disbelief (such as by insisting on implementing other than the Islamic law due to his belief it is not suitable for all times) then he has broken the contract between him and the Ummah and it is obligatory for every Muslim to work to remove him from his position.
C: The second narration makes it clear that the believer is not permitted to listen and obey in anything which is a clear sin, so there is no justification for supporting or following the ruler in their wrongdoing, rather the narrations only commissions the Muslims to be patience of the oppression of their rulers as long as they remain being ruled by Islam and do not participate in the oppression themselves.
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