Sixty Sultaniyya

Corrupt rulers are the biggest problem

Hadith 40, The only fear I have for my Ummah are astray leaders (who will lead them astray) (Ahmed/ Tirmidhi)


A: Imam Al-'Ayni explained the astray leaders as those who call to innovation, sin and immorality. They are also explained as those who follow their desires, and therefore are astray and lead others astray.

B: It is attributed to Umar bin al-Khattab (ra) that Islam will be destroyed by the lapses of the scholar, the hypocrite who argues using the Quran, and the rule of astray leaders.

C: The position of the ruler is such that with their corruption unless they are corrupted they will corrupt the society, since they are the ones responsible for maintaining the law, establishing the limits and protecting the people.

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