Sixty Sultaniyya

Prohibition of dealing with land unjustly

Hadith 29, If anyone oppresses someone else even to the extent of a piece of land measuring a hand's width, his neck will be encircled with it from the seven earths (Bukhari/ Muslim)
Hadith 30, Whoever takes anything from land without right, will be sunk with it until the seven earths on the Day of Judgement (Bukhari)


A: To usurp someone’s land by force and without right is not permitted in origin.

B: The second narration explains what is meant by “oppression” in the first narration as taking land or anything from the land by force or without right.

C: Aisha (ra) mentioned these words of the Prophet when she heard that there was a dispute over land between Abu Salama and some of his people.

D: It is not permitted to surrender even a hand-span of the land of the Muslim people to foreign aggressors since this would come under the indication of these narrations.

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