Sixty Sultaniyya

Hudood are applied even if there are those who accuse it

Hadith 20, Establish the limits/ Hudood of Allah near and far, and do not let the blame of the blamers affect you (Ibn Maja, Hakim)


A: The application of the Hudood is a severe punishment, intended only to be used in those circumstances which have been legislated by Allah (SWT) and have been proven beyond a shadow of doubt. This is to protect the most closely held and critical values of the society, such as security and well being. As such when the conditions are met the Hudood should be applied irrespective of those who would blame and accuse those carrying out the punishment with their subjective (and currently failing) views of how the society should be protected.

B: According to Imam Suyuti the phrase "near and far" can intend closeness in terms of relationship - so that personal relationship should not influence the application of Hudood, or can mean closeness to the rule (the powerful and the weak) - so that Hudood is applied equally on all stratus of society irrespective of their social position or closeness to the ruling power. And this second meaning is confirmed by the next narration mentioned.

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