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Bukhari30 Muwatta36 Ibn Majah26 Chapters1
Hadith No: 2412
From: Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 18, The Chapters on Charity
Narrated/Authority of Thawban
(the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah [saw]) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Anyone whose soul leaves his body and he is free of three things, will enter Paradise: Arrogance, stealing from the spoils of war, and debt." Sahih
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Hadith No: 2425
From: Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 18, The Chapters on Charity
Narrated/Authority of Ibn Abbas
"A man came to ask the Prophet of Allah (saw) for some debt or some right, and he spoke harshly to him, and the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (saw) wanted to rebuke him. But the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 'Let him be, for the one who is owed something has authority over the debtor, until it is paid off.' " Daif
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Hadith No: 1758
From: Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 9, The Book of Fasting
Narrated/Authority of Ibn Abbas
"A woman came to the Prophet (saw) and said: 'O Messenger of Allah, my sister has died and she owed a fast of two consecutive months.' He said: 'Do you not think that if your sister owed a debt, you would pay it off for her?' She said: 'Of course.' He said: 'The right of Allah is greater.'" Sahih
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Hadith No: 83
From: Imam Malik's Muwatta. Chapter 31, Business Transactions
Narrated/Authority of
Yahya related to me from Malik from Uthman ibn Hafs ibn Khalda from Ibn Shihab from Salim ibn Abdullah that Abdullah ibn Umar was asked about a man who took a loan from another man for a set term. The creditor reduced the debt, and the man paid it immediately Abdullah ibn Umar disliked that, and forbade it.
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Hadith No: 2433
From: Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 18, The Chapters on Charity
Narrated/Authority of Sad bin Atwal
his brother died, leaving behind three hundred Dirham and dependents. "I wanted to spend (his money) on his dependents, but the Prophet (saw) said: 'Your brother is being detained by his debt, so pay it off for him.'" He said "O Messenger of Allah (saw), I have paid it off apart from two Dinar, which a woman is claiming but she has no proof." He said: "Give them to her for she is telling the truth." Hasan
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Hadith No: 7
From: Imam Malik's Muwatta. Chapter 39, The Mukatab
Narrated/Authority of
Malik said, "The best of what is said about a man who buys the mukatab of a man is that if the man wrote the slave's kitaba for dinars or dirhams, he does not sell him unless it is for merchandise which is paid immediately and not deferred, because if it is deferred, it would be a debt for a debt. A debt for a debt is forbidden." He said, "If the master gives a mukatab his kitaba for certain merchandise of camels, cattle, sheep, or slaves, it is more correct that the buyer buy him for gold, silver, or different goods than the ones his master wrote the kitaba for, and that must be paid immediately, not deferred." Malik said, "The best of what I have heard about a mukatab when he is sold is that he is more entitled to buy his kitaba than the one who buys him if he can pay his master the price for which he was sold in cash. That is because his buying himself is his freedom, and freedom has priority over what bequests accompany it. If one of those who have written the kitaba for the mukatab sells his portion of him, so that a half, a third, a fourth, or whatever share of the mukatab is sold, the mukatab does not have the right of pre-emption in what is sold of him. That is because it is like the severance of a partner, and a partner can only make a settlement for a partner of the one who is mukatab with the permission of his partners because what is sold of him does not give him complete rights as a free man and his property is barred from him, and by buying part of himself, it is feared that he will become incapable of completing payment because of what he had to spend. That is not like the mukatab buying himself completely unless whoever has some of the kitaba remaining due to him gives him permission. If they give him permission, he is more entitled to what is sold of him." Malik said, "Selling one of the instalments of a mukatab is not halal. That is because it Is an uncertain transaction. If the mukatab cannot pay it, what he owes is nullified. If he dies or goes bankrupt and he owes debts to people, then the person who bought his instalment does not take any of his portion with the creditors. The person who buys one of the instalments of the mukatab is in the position of the master of the mukatab. The master of the mukatab does not have a share with the creditors of the mukatab for what he is owed of the kitaba of his slave. It is also like that with the kharaj, (a set amount deducted daily from the slave against his earnings), which accumulates for a master from the earnings of his slave. The creditors of his slave do not allow him a share for what has accumulated for him from those deductions." Malik said, "There is no harm in a mukatab paying off his kitaba with coin or merchandise other than the merchandise for which he wrote his kitaba if it is identical with it, on time (for the instalment) or delayed." Malik said that if a mukatab died and left an umm walad and small children by her or by someone else and they could not work and it was feared that they would be unable to fulfil their kitaba, the umm walad of the father was sold if her price would pay all the kitaba for them, whether or not she was their mother. They were paid for and set free because their father did not forbid her sale if he feared that he would be unable to complete his kitaba. If her price would not pay for them and neither she nor they could work, they all reverted to being slaves of the master. Malik said, "What is done among us in the case of a person who buys the kitaba of a mukatab, and then the mukatab dies before he has paid his kitaba, is that the person who bought the kitaba inherits from him. If, rather than dying, the mukatab cannot pay, the buyer has his person. If the mukatab pays his kitaba to the person who bought him and he is freed, his wala' goes to the person who wrote the kitaba and the person who bought his kitaba does not have any of it."
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Hadith No: 882
From: Sahih Bukhari. Chapter 51, Peacemaking (Reconciliation)
Narrated/Authority of Aisha
Once Allah's Apostle (SAW) heard the loud voices of some opponents quarreling at the door. One of them was appealing to the other to deduct his debt and asking him to be lenient but the other was saying, "By Allah I will not do so." Allah's Apostle (SAW) went out to them and said, "Who is the one who was swearing by Allah that he would not do a favour?" That man said, "I am that person, O Allah's Apostle (SAW)! I will give my opponent whatever he wishes."
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Hadith No: 591
From: Sahih Bukhari. Chapter 42, Loans, Payment of Loans, Freezing of Property and Bankruptcy
Narrated/Authority of Abu Huraira
The Prophet (SAW) said, "I am closer to the believers than their selves in this world and in the Hereafter, and if you like, you can read Allah's Statement: "The Prophet (SAW) is closer to the believers than their own selves." (33.6) So, if a true believer dies and leaves behind some property, it will be for his inheritors (from the father's side), and if he leaves behind some debt to be paid or needy offspring, then they should come to me as I am the guardian of the deceased."
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Hadith No: 58
From: 110 Hadith Qudsi. Chapter 1, 110 Ahadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith)
Narrated/Authority of Abu Masud
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: A man from among those who were before you was called to account by Allah on the Day of Resurrection. No good was found in his account except that he used to mix with people and being a rich man, used to lend money to the people and order his servants to let off the men who are unable to repay debt. The Prophet (SAW) said: Allah (SWT) said to the angels: We are worthier than him of that generosity. So let him off. (This Hadith is sound and reported by Muslim).
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Hadith No: 12
From: 40 Hadith Qudsi. Chapter 1, 40 Hadith Qudsi
Narrated/Authority of Abu Masud Al-Ansari
who said that the Messenger of Allah (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "A man from among those who were before you was called to account. Nothing in the way of good was found for him except that he used to have dealings with people and, being well-to-do, he would order his servants to let off the man in straitened circumstances [from repaying his debt]." He (the Prophet - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that Allah said: " 'We are worthier than you of that (of being so generous). Let him off.' " It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari and an-Nasa'i).
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