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Hadith No: 1728
From: Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 9, The Book of Fasting
Narrated/Authority of Abu Hurairah
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "There are no days in this world during which worship is more beloved to Allah, Glorious is He, than the (first) ten days (of Dhul- Hijjah). Fasting one of these days is equivalent to fasting for one year, and one night of them is equal to Lailatul-Qadr." Daif
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Hadith No: 220
From: Sahih Bukhari. Chapter 31, Fasting
Narrated/Authority of Aisha
Quraish used to fast on the day of 'Ashura' in the Pre-lslamic period, and Allah's Apostle too, used to fast on that day. When he came to Medina, he fasted on that day and ordered others to fast, too. Later when the fasting of the month of Ramadan was prescribed, he gave up fasting on the day of 'Ashura' and it became optional for one to fast on it or not.
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Hadith No: 1732
From: Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 9, The Book of Fasting
Narrated/Authority of Ikrimah
"I entered upon Abu Hurairah in his house and asked him about fasting the Day of Arafah at Arafat. Abu Hurairah said: 'The Messenger of Allah (saw) forbade fasting the Day of Arafah at Arafat.'" Sahih
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Hadith No: 1748
From: Sunan Ibn Majah. Chapter 9, The Book of Fasting
Narrated/Authority of Umm Umarah
"The Messenger of Allah (saw) came to us and we brought food for him. Some of those who were with him were fasting, and the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 'If food is eaten in the presence of one who is fasting, the angels send blessing upon him.'" Sahih
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Hadith No: 139
From: Sahih Bukhari. Chapter 31, Fasting
Narrated/Authority of Al-Bara
It was the custom among the companions of Muhammad that if any of them was fasting and the food was presented (for breaking his fast), but he slept before eating, he would not eat that night and the following day till sunset. Qais bin Sirma-al-Ansari was fasting and came to his wife at the time of Iftar (breaking one's fast) and asked her whether she had anything to eat. She replied, "No, but I would go and bring some for you." He used to do hard work during the day, so he was overwhelmed by sleep and slept. When his wife came and saw him, she said, "Disappointment for you." When it was midday on the following day, he fainted and the Prophet was informed about the whole matter and the following verses were revealed: "You are permitted To go to your wives (for sexual relation) At the night of fasting." So, they were overjoyed by it. And then Allah also revealed: "And eat and drink Until the white thread Of dawn appears to you Distinct from the black thread (of the night)." (2.187)
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Hadith No: 196
From: Sahih Bukhari. Chapter 31, Fasting
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al Aas
Allah's Apostle said to me, "O Abdullah! Have I not been informed that you fast during the day and offer prayers all the night." Abdullah replied, "Yes, O Allah's Apostle!" The Prophet said, "Don't do that; fast for few days and then give it up for few days, offer prayers and also sleep at night, as your body has a right on you, and your wife has a right on you, and your guest has a right on you. And it is sufficient for you to fast three days in a month, as the reward of a good deed is multiplied ten times, so it will be like fasting throughout the year." I insisted (on fasting) and so I was given a hard instruction. I said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have power." The Prophet said, "Fast like the fasting of the Prophet David (Daud, AS) and do not fast more than that." I said, "How was the fasting of the Prophet of Allah, David? (Daud)" He said, "Half of the year," (i.e. he used to fast on every alternate day). Afterwards when Abdullah became old, he used to say, "It would have been better for me if I had accepted the permission of the Prophet (which he gave me i.e. to fast only three days a month)."
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Hadith No: 133
From: Imam Malik's Muwatta. Chapter 20, Hajj
Narrated/Authority of
Yahya related to me from Malik from Abu'n Nadr, the mawla of Umar ibn Ubaydullah, from Umayr, the mawla of Abdullah ibn Abbas, from Umm al-Fadl bint al-Harith, that she was present when some people were arguing on the day of Arafa about whether the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was fasting or not. Some of them said he was fasting, and some of them said he was not. So she sent a bowl of milk to him while his camel was standing still and he drank.
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Hadith No: 34
From: Imam Malik's Muwatta. Chapter 18, Fasting
Narrated/Authority of
Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab that Humayd ibn Abd ar-Rahman ibn Awf heard Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan say from the mimbar on the day of Ashura in the year in which he made the hajj, "People of Madina, where are your learned men? I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say about this day, 'This is the day of Ashura, and fasting it has not been prescribed for you. I am fasting it, and whoever of you wants to fast it can do so, and whoever does not want to, does not have to.' "
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Hadith No: 221
From: Sahih Bukhari. Chapter 31, Fasting
Narrated/Authority of Humaid bin Abdur Rahman
That he heard Muawiya bin Abi Sufyan on the day of 'Ashura' during the year he performed the Hajj, saying on the pulpit, "O the people of Medina! Where are your Religious Scholars? I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'This is the day of 'Ashura'. Allah has not enjoined its fasting on you but I am fasting it. You have the choice either to fast or not to fast (on this day).' "
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Hadith No: 23
From: Imam Malik's Muwatta. Chapter 18, Fasting
Narrated/Authority of
Yahya related to me from Malik from Humayd at-Tawil that Anas ibn Malik said, "We once travelled with the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in Ramadan, and those who were fasting did not find fault with those who were not, and those who were not fasting did not find fault with those who were."
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