Narrated: Umm Habibah From Sunan Abu Dawood
AbuSufyan ibn Sa'id ibn al-Mughirah reported that he entered upon Umm Habibah who presented him a glass of sawiq (a drink prepared with flour and water) to drink. He called for water and rinsed his mouth. She said: O my cousin, don't you perform ablution? The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Perform ablution after eating anything cooked with fire, or he said: anything touched by fire.
Ikrimah said: Umm Habibah daughter of Jahsh had a prolonged flow of blood. The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) commanded her to refrain (from prayer) during her menstrual period; then she should wash and pray, if she sees anything (which renders ablution void) she should perform ablution and pray.
Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan asked his sister Umm Habibah, the wife of the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him): Would the apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) pray in the clothes in which he had an intercourse? She said: Yes, when he would not see any impurity in it.
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