Narrated: Anas bin Malik From 110 Hadith Qudsi
on the authority of the
Prophet (SAW), who said: Allah (SWT) will say to
the least tormented person among the people of Hell on the
Day of Resurrection: Do you have any thing on earth, that
you would give as a ransom (to protect yourself against the
torment of Fire)? He will say: Yes. Then Allah will say:
While you were in the backbone of Adam, I had demanded
you much less than that, i.e. to associate nothing with Me;
but you declined and worshipped others besides Me.
(This Hadith is sound and reported by Bukhari and
This Hadith concludes that a believer with his sins covering the
entire globe will be forgiven so long as he does not associate
partners to Allah.
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: Allah (SWT) said: Your followers will still remain
saying: What is that? What is that? until they say: It is Allah
who has created the creation then who created Allah?
(This Hadith is sound and reported by Muslim).
We were in the company of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) when he
laughed and said: Do you know why I laughed? The
narrator said: We said: Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) know
best. Then the Prophet (SAW) said: I laughed at the
talk of the slave to his Lord on the Day of Resurrection as
he would say: 0 my Lord! Have You not guaranteed me
protection against injustice? The Prophet (SAW) said:
Allah would say: Yes. The Prophet (SAW) added:
Then the slave would say: Today I do not allow any
witness against me except a witness of my own self. Then
the Prophet (SAW) said: Allah would say: Today only
yourself and the noble recording angels would be
witnesses to you. Then the Prophet (SAW) said: Then
his mouth would be sealed and it would be said to his
limbs: Speak. The Prophet (SAW) added: They would speak of his deeds. He said: Then he would be made free to talk. The Prophet (SAW) said: He would say to his limbs: Woe and curse be upon you. For only your sake I was contending.
I heard the Prophet (SAW) saying: Allah said: If I deprive My slave of his
two beloved things (i.e. his eyes) and he remains patient, I will let him enter Paradise in compensation for them.
(This Hadith is sound and reported by Bukhari).
that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: Once Jibrael brought me a white mirror having a black dot. So, I asked: 0 Jibrael! What is this? He said: This is Friday. Allah has made it a festival for you and your followers. So you have been given preference more than the Jews and Christians. There is an hour on Friday nothing any slave ask is not answered. Then the Prophet (SAW) said: I asked: What is this black spot? The angel replied: This is the Final Hour that will take place on a Friday. We call it "Al-Mazid". The Prophet (SAW) said: I asked him: What is the hour of Al-Mazid? He said: Allah has made in Paradise a wide valley in which He has created dunes of white musk. When it is Friday, Allah will descend to it. The pulpits of gold are kept there for the Prophet (SAW)s and chairs made of
pearl are arranged for the martyrs and the maidens with big lustrous eyes will get down from their upstair rooms. They all praise Allah and glorify Him. The Prophet (SAW) said: Then Allah will say: Cloth My slaves. So they will be dressed. He will say: Feed My slaves. So they will be fed. He will say: Make them drink. So they will be made to drink. He will say: Perfume My slaves. So they will be
perfumed. Then He will ask: What do you want? They will say: 0 our Lord! We want Your pleasure. The Prophet (SAW) said: Allah will say: I am pleased with you. Then He will order them to disperse. So they will deport. And the maidens with big lustrous eyes ascend to the upstair rooms, which are made of green emerald and red ruby.
(This Hadith is sound and reported in Musnad of Abi Yala).
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