Sunan Abu Dawood

120 ahadith in this chapter, page 1 of 12

Hadith No: 393
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah bin Abbas
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Gabriel (peace_be_upon_him) led me in prayer at the House (i.e. the Ka'bah). He prayed the noon prayer with me when the sun had passed the meridian to the extent of the thong of a sandal; he prayed the afternoon prayer with me when the shadow of everything was as long as itself; he prayed the sunset prayer with me when one who is fasting breaks the fast; he prayed the night prayer with me when the twilight had ended; and he prayed the dawn prayer with me when food and drink become forbidden to one who is keeping the fast. On the following day he prayed the noon prayer with me when his shadow was as long as himself; he prayed the afternoon prayer with me when his shadow was twice as long as himself; he prayed the sunset prayer at the time when one who is fasting breaks the fast; he prayed the night prayer with me when about the third of the night had passed; and he prayed the dawn prayer with me when there was a fair amount of light. Then turning to me he said: Muhammad, this is the time observed by the prophets before you, and the time is anywhere between two times.
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Hadith No: 399
Narrated/Authority of Jabir bin Abdullah
I would offer my noon prayer with the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) and took a handful of gravels so that they might become cold in my hand and I placed them (before me) so that I may put my forehead on them at the time when I would prostrate. I did this due to the intensity of heat.
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Hadith No: 400
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah bin Masud
The extent of the shadow when the Apostle of Allah prayed (the noon prayer) was three to five feet in summer and five to seven feet in winter.
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Hadith No: 408
Narrated/Authority of Ali ibn Shayban
We came upon the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) in Medina. He would postpone the afternoon prayer as long as the sun remained white and clear.
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Hadith No: 418
Narrated/Authority of Abu Ayyub
Marthad ibn Abdullah said: When AbuAyyub came upon us to fight the infidels and in those days Uqbah ibn Amir was the Governor of Egypt, he (Uqbah) delayed the sunset prayer. Hence AbuAyyub stood and said: What kind of prayer is this, Uqbah? He said: We were busy. He said: Did you not hear the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) say: My community will remain well, or he said: will remain on its natural condition, so long as it would not delay the evening prayer until the stars shine brightly just like a network.
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Hadith No: 419
Narrated/Authority of An-Numan bin Bashir
I am the one who is best informed of the time of this prayer, i.e. the night prayer. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) used to offer it at the hour when the moon went down on its third night.
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Hadith No: 421
Narrated/Authority of Muadh bin Jabal
We waited for the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) to offer the night prayer. He delayed until people thought that he would not come out and some of us said that he had offered the prayer. At the moment when we were in this condition the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) came out. People said to him as they were already saying. He said: Observe this prayer when it is dark, for by it you have been made superior to all the peoples, no people having observed it before you.
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Hadith No: 422
Narrated/Authority of Abu Said Al-Khudri
We observed the prayer after nightfall with the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), and he did not come out till about half the night had passed. He then said: Take your places. We then took our places. Then he said: The people have prayed and gone to bed, but you are still engaged in prayer as long as you wait for the prayer. Were it not for the weakness of the weak and for the sickness of the sick. I would delay this prayer till half the night had gone.
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Hadith No: 425
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah ibn Sunabihi
Abu Muhammad fancies that witr prayer is essential. (Hearing this) Ubadah ibn as-Samit said: Abu Muhammad was wrong. I bear witness that I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) say: Allah, the Exalted, has made five prayers obligatory. If anyone performs ablution for them well, offers them at their (right) time, and observes perfectly their bowing and submissiveness in them, it is the guarantee of Allah that He will pardon him; if anyone does not do so, there is no guarantee for him on the part of Allah; He may pardon him if He wills, and punish him if He wills.
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Hadith No: 426
Narrated/Authority of Umm Farwah
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was asked: Which of the actions is best? He replied: Observing prayer early in its period. Al-Khuza'i narrated in his version from his aunt named Umm Farwah who took the oath of allegiance to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him): He was questioned.
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