45 ahadith in this chapter, page 1 of 5
Hadith No: 248
Narrated/Authority of Aisha
Narrated/Authority of Aisha
Whenever the Prophet took a bath after Janaba he started by washing his hands and then performed ablution like that for the prayer. After that he would put his fingers in water and move the roots of his hair with them, and then pour three handfuls of water over his head and then pour water all over his body.
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Hadith No: 249
Narrated/Authority of Maimuna
Narrated/Authority of Maimuna
(the wife of the Prophet) Allah's Apostle performed ablution like that for the prayer but did not wash his feet. He washed off the discharge from his private parts and then poured water over his body. He withdrew his feet from that place (the place where he took the bath) and then washed them. And that was his way of taking the bath of Janaba.
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Hadith No: 250
Narrated/Authority of Aisha
Narrated/Authority of Aisha
The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot called 'Faraq'.
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Hadith No: 251
Narrated/Authority of Abu Salama
Narrated/Authority of Abu Salama
Aisha's brother and I went to 'Aisha and he asked her about the bath of the Prophet. She brought a pot containing about a Sa' of water and took a bath and poured it over her head and at what time there was a screen between her and us.
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Hadith No: 252
Narrated/Authority of Abu Jafar
Narrated/Authority of Abu Jafar
While I and my father were with Jabir bin 'Abdullah, some People asked him about taking a bath He replied, "A Sa' of water is sufficient for you." A man said, "A Sa' is not sufficient for me." Jabir said, "A Sa was sufficient for one who had more hair than you and was better than you (meaning the Prophet)." And then Jabir (put on) his garment and led the prayer.
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Hadith No: 253
Narrated/Authority of Ibn Abbas
Narrated/Authority of Ibn Abbas
The Prophet and Maimuna used to take a bath from a single pot.
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Hadith No: 254
Narrated/Authority of Jubair bin Mutim
Narrated/Authority of Jubair bin Mutim
Allah's Apostle said, "As for me, I pour water three times on my head." And he pointed with both his hands.
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Hadith No: 255
Narrated/Authority of Jabir bin Abdullah
Narrated/Authority of Jabir bin Abdullah
The Prophet used to pour water three times on his head.
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Hadith No: 256
Narrated/Authority of Abu Jafar
Narrated/Authority of Abu Jafar
Jabir bin Abdullah said to me, "Your cousin (Hasan bin Muhammad bin Al-Hanafiya) came to me and asked about the bath of Janaba. I replied, 'The Prophet uses to take three handfuls of water, pour them on his head and then pour more water over his body.' Al-Hasan said to me, 'I am a hairy man.' I replied, 'The Prophet had more hair than you'. "
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Hadith No: 257
Narrated/Authority of Maimuna
Narrated/Authority of Maimuna
I placed water for the bath of the Prophet. He washed his hands twice or thrice and then poured water on his left hand and washed his private parts. He rubbed his hands over the earth (and cleaned them), rinsed his mouth, washed his nose by putting water in it and blowing it out, washed his face and both forearms and then poured water over his body. Then he withdrew from that place and washed his feet.
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