80 ahadith in this chapter, page 1 of 8
Hadith No: 2615
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "The first matter concerning which judgment will be passed among the people on the Day of Resurrection will be bloodshed." Sahih
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Hadith No: 2616
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "No person is killed wrongfully, but a share of responsibility for his blood will be upon, the first son of Adam, because he was the first one to kill." Sahih
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Hadith No: 2617
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah
Narrated/Authority of Abdullah
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "The first matter concerning which judgment will be passed among the people on the Day of Resurrection will be bloodshed." Sahih
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Hadith No: 2618
Narrated/Authority of Uqbah bin Amir Al-Juhani
Narrated/Authority of Uqbah bin Amir Al-Juhani
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Whoever meets Allah (swt) not associating anything in worship with him, and not having shed any blood unlawfully, will enter Paradise." Sahih
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Hadith No: 2619
Narrated/Authority of Bara bin Azib
Narrated/Authority of Bara bin Azib
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "If this world were to be destroyed, that would be less significant before Allah (swt) than the unlawful killing of a believer." Hasan
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Hadith No: 2620
Narrated/Authority of Abu Hurairah
Narrated/Authority of Abu Hurairah
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Whoever helps to kill a believer, even with half a word, he will meet Allah (swt) with (the words) written between his eyes, 'He has no hope of the mercy of Allah (swt)." Daif
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Hadith No: 2621
Narrated/Authority of Salim bin Abu Jad
Narrated/Authority of Salim bin Abu Jad
"Ibn Abbas was asked about one who kills a believer deliberately, then repents, believes, does righteous deeds and follows true guidance. He said: 'Woe to him can there be any guidance for him? I heard your Prophet (saw) say: "The killer and his victim will be brought on the day of Resurrection, with slain holding onto the head of his killer, saying: 'O Lord, ask this one, why did he kill me?" By Allah, Allah the Mighty and Sublime revealed (reference to the Quran An-Nisa 4:93) it to your Prophet (saw) then He did not abrogate it after He revealed it." Sahih
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Hadith No: 2622
Narrated/Authority of Abu Said Al-Khudri
Narrated/Authority of Abu Said Al-Khudri
"Shall I not tell you what I heard directly from the Messenger of Allah (saw)? I heard it and memorized it: 'A man killed ninety-nine people, then the idea of repentance occurred to him. He asked who was the most knowledgeable of people on earth, and he was told of a man so he went to him and said: "I have killed ninety-nine people. Can I repent?" He said: "After ninety-nine people?!" He said: 'So he drew his sword and killed him, thus completing one hundred. Then the idea of repentance occurred to him (again), so he asked who was the most knowledgeable of people, and he was told of a man (so he went to him) and said: "I have killed one hundred people. Can I repent?" He said: "Woe to you, what is stopping you from repenting? Leave the evil town where you are living and go to a good town, such and such town and worship your Lord there" So he went out, heading for the good town, but death came to him on the road. The angels of mercy and angels of punishment argued over him. Iblis (Satan) said: "I have more right to him, for he never disobeyed me for a moment. "But the angels of mercy said: "He went out repenting." (One of the narrators) Hammam said: "Humaid At-Tawil narrated to me from Bakr bin Abdullah that Abu Rafi said: 'So Allah (swt) sent an angel to whom they referred (the case). He said: "Look and see which of the two towns was he closer, and put him with its people." (One of the narrators) Qatadah said: "Hasan narrated to us: 'When death came to him he strove and drew closer to the good town, and farther away from the evil town, so they put him with the people of the good town." Sahih Another chain from Hammam and he mentioned similarly.
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Hadith No: 2623
Narrated/Authority of Abu Sharaih Al-Khuzai
Narrated/Authority of Abu Sharaih Al-Khuzai
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Whoever suffers from killing or wounding, has the choice of three things, and if he wants the fourth then restrain him. He may kill (the killer), or forgive him, or take the blood money. Whoever accepts any of these (options), then kills (the killer) after that will have the fire of hell to abide therein forever." Daif
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Hadith No: 2624
Narrated/Authority of Abu Hurairah
Narrated/Authority of Abu Hurairah
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "If a person's relative is killed, he has the choice of two things: He may either have the killer killed, or he may demand the blood money." Sahih
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